By Fahmeena Odetta Moore.
Course start date: 1/30/2017.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Final signature assignment submitted

I completed and submitted the signature assignment a short while ago. One thing is for certain: signature assignments are a lot of work! I worked and worked and worked on that assignment.

It turned out okay. I think I used all the articles from a previous paper on learning from examples, which is surprising. I used ideas on methodology/methods from the papers. I also noticed that the topics (or sub-topics under the big umbrella: social media) seem very different, but they are actually related.

It is actually the end of the course! No assignment next week!
I like the course - a lot.

The paper:
Signature Assignment: The Role of Culture in Social Media

I received a good grade for the week 7 paper - the returned paper!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Week 7 assignment redo

I received word from the professor that I need to redo the week 7 assignment. It appears that he wants a chart - a diagram. I am about to work on that chart.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

End of work for today

I just finished my updates for today. I am now getting ready to go. I am on track to complete the signature assignment by the deadline.

I like that I could download versions of the paper from GoogleDocs. I downloaded and saved today's version (in PDF and Word doc formats).

Currently working

I am currently working on the signature assignment. I just made a major change - I removed the research questions. I liked the research questions, but I realize they could be "folded into" the hypotheses. This means you could derive the questions from the hypotheses.

I was out on the nearby field thinking, working.... While out there on the grass, I came up with an idea - the idea that there are different "levels" of unfairness. I just added that thought to the document. I like this topic a lot!

I will post some photos later.  A guy was out there mowing the grass, which reminded me of mowing/"ploughing" the field at a particular institution. I watched that so many times.