By Fahmeena Odetta Moore.
Course start date: 1/30/2017.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Work today

Today I entered articles used in papers for this course in RefWorks (outstanding "stuff"). I had some trouble with Endnote. To prepare for the next assignment, I browsed different research/studies on social media. I gravitated to sub-topics/areas such as transparency. I want to add at least one research question on how social media could improve transparency. I have to make it work!

Next assignment:

Some of my library searches & papers reviewed:

I have some ideas:

Interesting articles...

I stumbled upon the following articles on social media in developing countries in Twitter:

Emerging nations catching up to U.S. on technology adoption, especially mobile and social media use

Social Media in Developing Countries
By Martin Brossman

Social media marketing in developing countries: a Q&A with Nissan’s David Parkinson
By Nikita Geldenhuys

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Making progress

After about 1.5 hours of work today, I am at the findings/results section of the paper. Work continues...

Working on paper

I am working on the assignment due Sunday. I started with the returned paper - a previous mini-proposal with the professor's comments. I will incorporate all comments or requested changes to the proposal (hopefully I don't run out of space / real estate). I think I miss some changes sometimes!

Work continues...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Work continues...

I am currently looking for articles (past research) on social media adoption, strategies, and so on. I just found two good ones. ...

The search:

First article:

I encountered a problem when I clicked 'Link to Full Text':

I managed to find the article on ScienceDirect:

Second article 'Measuring the degree of corporate social use':

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Starting week 4 assignment

I think I had a "moment of confusion" when I read the week 4 assignment requirements a few days ago (shortly after submitting the week 3 assignment). After re-reading, I think I need to: assume I completed the research (including the analysis) detailed in previous papers and include the "findings" in this week's paper.

The directions...

Week 4:

Maybe I expected to see "proposal" in the directions (as in week 3).

Week 3:

Related posts on social media:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 3 paper completed

Week 3 paper completed and submitted! It was a good assignment.

Data Analysis Plan for Research on Social Media Selections

(No LinkedIn link because LinkedIn did not provide a URL for the paper. The paper is 'private' in LinkedIn - probably because I no longer have a premium account.)

Other screenshots:

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Making progress with week 3 assignment

At this point, the paper is about 4 pages long. I am still thinking (mulling over some things), looking things up , and so on. The analysis is important. It will determine what you "get" from all the data collected - what you glean from the data & what you conclude. I also need to include certain things/areas. It is clear from the syllabus I need to consider computer software.

I found some good articles. Use of computer software reminds me of a paper I prepared for Big Data week for the Technology Management course. I have to look that up...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Week 3 assignment started

I am currently working on the week 3 assignment. I need to prepare an "analytical approach for one of the mock data collection described in one of the proposals." I think this means I need to explain how I would analyze the data collected (rather than how I would go about collecting the data). The paper I found a few days ago will come in handy.

So far, I have a short summary of the proposed research and a brief list of data I would need to collect. I am working on the analytical methods I would use. Work continues.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Work continues...

The professor provided good feedback...on apa citations, improvements I could make to the document etc. Not much information or tips for the week 2 paper. I think I need to change something so that I will have a substantial assignment to submit. (I have to work for the grade after all.)

Work continues...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 2 assignment

For the week 2 assignment, I need to prepare another mini-proposal using a qualitative method from the week 2 readings. The main method from the readings: case study.
I included the case study method in last week's paper. I am thinking about the best option/approach for this week's paper. I could change the research questions etc.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Refining the problem

I made lots of progress with the research problem. Coming up with an adequate research problem/question is the difficult part of the assignment. The course focuses on qualitative research so it needs to be a good qualitative research problem/question. I like what I have so far.

The assignment:

Some library searches:

Making progress with the problem and paper...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Started writing the paper

My topic for this course is social media. I like social media because the data is easier to get. Most of it is out there (for the taking). I could look at the consumers' use of social media and/or how companies use social media. I am still thinking, deciding...

 (click to enlarge)

My post on social media (GooglePlus, Facebook, Twitter) also included an interesting tidbit...